What we already know for a long time, gets more and more substantiation: the yearly employee engagement survey is on its way back. HR professionals, teamleaders and employees are also not often happy. Reason is that the survey often doesn’t meet the needs of employees and management to deliver on a very regular basis a concrete contribution to the organization.
In most organisations the engagement survey takes place only 1 time per year, contains a lot of questions that aren’t for all employees as relevant and questions who look back instead of forward. This hardly contributes to engaged employees because they are hardly involved in tackling the themes that come forward. Therewith the value of this collective feedback moment is not used optimally, and is therewith a missed opportunity, not only for HR, but for the whole of the organisation.
We provide you with tips how to get the most out of the survey by doing this differently and more dynamic. We provide the tips how.
5 tips for a contemporary and engaging employee survey:
- Enable a continuous and easy possibility to give feedback. People are used to give feedback instantly and also expect a very quick response. Because of that, it is crucial that organisations listen to their employees continuously throughout the year and respond back to their own employees. If this isn’t possible internally, organise it externally.
- If you make use of feedback technology, make sure that the privacy of the employee is guaranteed according to the applicable legal guidelines.
- Provide a clear framework and guidelines for feedback. Therewith you can prevent non constructive feedback which can you’re your organisation.
- Give feedback. Let employees know what has been done or will be done with the collected feedback. How did this lead to concrete improvements of processes or policy? This has a positive impact on engagement.
- If you still use the quantitative employee survey, make sure that during the year you deepen the signaled issues further thematically. Quantitative results present a trendline, but the real value comes form the deepening and explanation a group of employees can give to these data.
In ths way the yearly and continuous feedback cycle can strengthen the Employee Experience significantly.
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