Research done by InnerVoice shows that one out of three employees in the first year working at a new employer doubts whether he or she made the right choice. Also other national and international research confirms these findings. That can be costly and has to be avoided.
Nightmare for HR
New employees leaving within a year is a nightmare for an HR-department. Hiring a new employee who leaves quickly again costs,depending on the job level, up to a yearly salary. Next to that the level of frustration in teams that can arise, when the much needed additional capacity leaves quickly every time. Especially when a lot of time is spent by colleagues training a new colleague.
Why do new employees leave quickly?
You expect enthusiasm to drop off especially with new employees. Maybe precisely that expectation is just the problem and because of that new employees do not get enough attention. InnerVoice researched the cause of early staff turnover and concluded that two out of three new employees who leave the organization quickly, turn off on the job itself. This can be content related or related to the personal development perspectives. Other reasons mentioned point in the direction of a poor onboarding process. New employees get the impression that the organisation is not professional or indifferent, because of that they can’t really be well induced in their new job and organisation.
Listening pays off
Although a certain turnover in this phase is usual, listening regularly to these new colleagues is very valuable: they can provide crucial information recruitment and onboarding or feedback on other company processes. Depending on the organisation short pulse surveys can help, but you get real insights out of an employee community in which new employees are widely represented.
Why listening in an employee community?
An employee community is an online (research)platform where employees are having a dialogue with a professional moderator and each other. Where a questionnaire focuses on the topics considered important by HR, an employee community researches also the employee experience, their own ideas and experience. And exactly that is important , as only rarely employees leave because of a slow laptop or illfitting chair. Emotional factors often play a more important role. By having a real dialogue HR teams get a better understanding of the experience of new employees. Next to that employees in the community can bring up topics themselves and give valuable feedback on the positive aspects of the onboarding. As an HR-department you get quick and deep insights and you are able to adjust your policies immediately.
Want to know more about InnerVoice employee communities?
Do you want to know more about an employee community or want to gave a look at a demo ? Get in touch with Daan van Exel. Hij is happy to tell you more about it.
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